The Canary Review

Other mining consultancies focus on just one element like culture or strategy or business process improvement and some even do psych analysis.
The problem is…
Doing one element perfectly can never compete with doing all of the elements well.
Very few specialise in mining and have a real depth of industry knowledge. This forms an incomplete picture and can lead to poor (career limiting) decisions or projects that take a long time to see results.
That’s why we look at best practice across a range of elements that tells a cohesive story that will make your site and leadership stand out (for all the right reasons) in the shortest time possible.

The best part? Our approach actually funds itself.

Ready to stand out as an industry leader?

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Get the full picture WITHOUT…
  • Having to commit to a huge project upfront
  • Having to blindly trust a consultant can and will do what they promise
  • Knowing the scope, opportunity, cost and likely ROI before you start

If working together is the right choice, put 100% of the cost of the Canary towards Step 3